
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Things I will not be writing about

• Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue, the index that Christopher Beam of Slate yucked up for it, or the reasons for the elite disdain toward her.

• Who really wrote Dreams from My Father, or whether it really is one of the top three books of the decade.

• Yuri Foreman’s super welterweight title, although it’s way cool.

• Whether Dmitri Nabokov was right to publish The Original of Laura, or what John Banville thinks of it.

• Yann Martel’s opinions on Canadian politics.

• The Bad-Sex-in-Fiction Award.

• The war between Malcolm Gladwell and Steven Pinker.

• Gore Vidal’s receiving a nod for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters from the National Book Foundation.

• Tuition hikes at the University of California, or the pampered students’ tantrum over them.

• My impatience for Martin Amis’s new novel The Pregnant Widow to hit the bookstores.


  1. When I read about the NBF's tribute to Gore Vidal, I shared a moment of wry humor with the only other teacher in my department who would not be celebrating the "achievement." We are somewhat isolated in the department because of our views of the world. Ah, such is life.

  2. Things I will not be writing about: paralipsis.
