
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Two years old today

A Commonplace Blog is two years old. On October 20, 2008, at 11:09 in the morning, I posted a review of Philip Roth’s Indignation to spank the blog into life. Since then I have continued to write about Roth—he is the author most frequently mentioned on the blog—and have said far too much, I am afraid, about my fondness for Jewish things and my dislike for large swatches of contemporary literature and the literary life. The other day I heard secondhand what someone had said about me. Nothing I have ever done, he said, seems calculated to advance my career. A Commonplace Blog fits that description, but if it has done little to improve my reputation, it has at least given me the chance to further my education in public. A million thanks to the readers who have stuck with me so far.


  1. As one of the goyim, let me be the first to say mazeltov for your blog's birthday. "A Commonplace Blog" is one of the few things literary I look forward to when going online to read.

  2. Yes, congratulations. You've furthered my education, too, so thank you, also.

  3. Congratulations. Here's hoping your blog is around for many years to come.

  4. Happy blog birthday! I don't share your politics but I love hearing different views, and you always have interesting things to say.

  5. I only recently discovered your blog (about a month ago); and I love your posts. There's a lot to be said about a blog of substance. Happy blogoversary. I wish you many more. Congratulations!

  6. Two years worth of posts that I'm still exploring, and among which I'm still finding fresh insights and ideas. May I echo the sentiments above in congratulating you and in hoping that there are many more such posts to come!

  7. After stumbling upon this blog via the typical concatenation of links a few months back, it actually took a couple of entries before I made the connection. Happy birthday to your blog.

  8. You shoot straight, and that's admirable. Your attachment to things jewish is also evident and I like that too.
    However how come you never (or, at least, I haven't seen you) mention Amos Oz. He should have been a nobelist long ago!

  9. Happy Birthday. A Commonplace Blog is a delight. Here's to many more.

  10. Nothing I have ever done, he said, seems calculated to advance my career.

    I hope that was intended to compliment your integrity!

    Many years to you and your uncalculated blogging!

  11. I am relatively new to your blog, but am enjoying the discovery. Congratulations and thank you. I think of your blog as an incredibly generous act on your part to reach out to others to engage and educate.
